The 2021 ISQBP President's Meeting  ISQBP IGBMC


Reminder : Early Bird registration is May 6, 2021

CategoriesEarly Rate    Regular Rate  
Students 35€ 45€
Participants 70€ 80€

The registration fees include:

- Participation in all conference sessions
- Participation in all poster sessions
- Participation in all social rooms

Please note that abstract submission and registration are two independent steps.

Registration Process:

You can register here: registration form

If you register as a student please send a copy of your student ID when registering to


Registering as a participant without contributing an abstract is possible 


To get an invoice for the registration fees please send an email to


The University of Strasbourg offers free registration under the framework of the IdEx Unistra

If you would like to register please send us an email to and we will send you the instructions.

To be eligible :

1) You must be a University of Strasbourg Student or a PHD student from the University of Haute Alsace

2) You must send a copy of your student ID when registering to





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